Puppets Up! is a truly grassroots effort overseen by a dedicated group of volunteers from Almonte and across the region.
The Puppets Up! BoardJane Torrance, Chairchair@puppetsup.com
Kris Riendeau, Vice Chair
Diane Smithson, Secretary
Hollie Maffenbeir, Director at Large
Program LeadJenny Sheffieldprogram@puppetsup.com
Artistic DirectorNoreen Young
Sponsorship LeadMargaret Millersponsorship@puppetsup.com
Volunteer LeadJoan Coxvolunteers@puppetsup.com
Communications LeadCharlene Johnstoncommunications@puppetsup.com
Guest Services LeadKaren Gallagherguestservices@puppetsup.com
Production LeadChristine Mosesproduction@puppetsup.com