In this comedic version of the classic Washington Irving tale, schoolteacher Ichabod Crane helps the Headless Horseman find a new head and a spookier image. Meanwhile, a jealous Brom Bones tries to run Ichabod out of town as they both vie for the affection of Katrina Van Tassel. In the end the Horseman saves the day, and everyone lives “happily ever after!”
Saturday, August 10th, 9:45am, 12:15am & 3:00pm
Sunday, August 11th, 9:45am, 12:15am & 3:00pm
Vamos Outdoors Theatre
Ages 4+
Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers is a puppetry troupe based in Bar Harbor, Maine, and comprised of three siblings – brothers Erik and Brian Torbeck and sister Robin (Torbeck) Erlandsen. Founded in 2000, Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers has performed at festivals, schools, libraries and theatres in the United States and Canada. They write and create all the shows they perform and have received three Citations of Excellence from UNIMA-USA, the highest national award in puppetry.